Things you can do
Use a flask
Store your water for coffee in a flask in the morning and use it for the rest of the day, you only need to boil the kettle once for the day. Just think of the time you save waiting for the kettle and the electricity on your bills will be reduced.Defrost and refrost
When you defrost the fridge, keep the old ice that you chip out in a bowl, possibly in a freezer bag. Once the fridge has finished defrosting you can put the ice back into the fridge so that it cools quickly and can get down to temperature. Saving energy that is required and electricity, plus you get to use the fridge sooner.Wine bag to gift bag
If you end up with lots of wine gift bags that you will propbably never use then cut them down to size to make small gift pages. Use a hole punch to create new holes for the strings.Cut out everything
Cut out all sorts of things from magazines and papers and drop them into a box. These are great for kids to stick and glue. Create different sets of items such as nature or people sets.Use the inside of cereal boxes as card to create things.
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