Knowledge Bomb eXperiment - books not bombs!

Inspired from a bag with the image "Books not Bombs" - a real experiment that could be tested in the real world. Pick a war, any war then drop books instead of bombs, drop knowledge instead of destruction, drop help and remove fear, drop equipment (microscopes, telescopes) to investigate the world rather than destroy it ...

The amazing thing about this thought, this idea is that it can be tried now, today, at this very moment and the results can be checked. Military still get to fly sorties and dodge missiles, but the bombs hold knowledge of this world to help them improve their lives - from the greatest writers of our time.

I would rather see depleted books lying around rather than depleted uranium!

Contents of a Knowledge Bomb?

William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer?

A 50-cent microscope that folds like origami

The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World After an Apocalypse


"Frederick Douglass taught that literacy is the path from slavery to freedom. There are many kinds of slavery and many kinds of freedom, but reading is still the path.”
- Carl Sagan

“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.”
- Frederick Douglass

And here is a great comment on improving  the world ...

There is only one cure for world poverty that has ever been found or ever will and it’s very simple.  And it could be phrased very simply too.    It’s called the empowerment of women.  Go to Bangladesh or Bolivia – I have to ask you to hold your applause though I love you – go to Bangladesh or Bolivia, give women control over their reproductive cycle, throw in a handful of corn if you can, make them not just the beasts of burden and the beasts of childbearing that they’ve become and the floor will rise, it just will.  It never fails anywhere.  Against this one solution, the Catholic Church has set its face.  The efforts of the missionary Church in the Third World mean more people die, not less.  It’s as simple as that.  More famine, more disease, more ignorance, more random and avoidable death.
Christopher Hitchens 

And here is how to read indoors ...

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