
Showing posts from April, 2015

FFArt - Affordable Art for Everyone

Have your own piece of aFFordable Art in your house, created by an exclusive designer for only £80 pounds. Sounds impossible? Well not anymore as FFArt brings designers to the public - expanding their portfolios and adding beauty to everyone's world. Here are some concept pages showing how an area over a kitchen hob could be changed into an inspiring thought... Home Page for FFArt A Design over a kitchen hob. Wow! How it works Creating a treasure chest of gold Time to Design Interested in this idea or other ideas on the site? Then leave me a post below to start a conversation...

Action Balloons - a party game

A game based on Actions with Balloons. Get some balloons, draw some actions on them. Start the music and let the kids jump around passing the balloons around. Once the music stops they have to complete the action on the balloon that the end up with. Continue until kids get bored...enjoy. Action Balloons - spin, sit, jump, dance or trump Spin when you get this Action Balloon! Do a little dance when you get this Action Balloon! An alternative is to add a balloon with the action "Collect Sweets". So the child leaves the dance floor and gets a sweet. Other actions could be added such as "find something blue". So the kids have to run around the room, find something blue and return to the dance floor.

Paper Faces

Use very basic drawing skills to create your own Paper Face sets, very much like the add-a-moustache project.  Get some inspiration from tv or magazines. Grab a pen and draw your own pair of glasses or moustache. The only limit is your imagination... Create your own Paper Faces