
Showing posts from March, 2014

Tax Tax Tax

A web project created using Symfony revealing the amount of tax we really pay, just think when you get your pay packet and get taxed at 16%; then go and fill up with petrol and get taxed another 60%; then do the family shop and get taxed 20% on that, then pay off your council tax and pay 100% tax on that. Wow! Unless you are underpaid; can fit into childrens clothes; walk to work and eat  food off an allotment you might be spending a fortune on Tax Tax Tax. So what is my own taxed amount - after taxable, food and petrol and clothes I reached about 26%. I do walk to work mostly and our weekly shopping bill is fixed mostly. Main page where you enter income and expenses Results page using jChartFX plug in About this web site - created for Studio40 Free source code is available upon request.

Paper Peepy Eyes

Leaving Romax was quite sad, but having fun there was nice. Here is an alternative way to use your 3d glasses from going to the cinema. Add some paper behind the glasses and create a new look. Mr Vattenfall looks cool ... Mr Vattenfall with Paper Peepy Eyes

Wallpaper World

A 3D world made from wallpaper strips. No 3d glasses required for this un-modern approach to creating your own breath taking scenes. A nice tip is when creating people/creatures and cutting them out, use folded piece of paper and you will get four or more with a single cut. Cut out the layers - made from the same roll of wallpaper Bend the layers forward a bit to give more depth Cut out people and creatures to add Add wallpaper behind picture for more texture Final version with snakes, dragons, hot air balloons, people and Mike.