Tax Tax Tax

A web project created using Symfony revealing the amount of tax we really pay, just think when you get your pay packet and get taxed at 16%; then go and fill up with petrol and get taxed another 60%; then do the family shop and get taxed 20% on that, then pay off your council tax and pay 100% tax on that.

Wow! Unless you are underpaid; can fit into childrens clothes; walk to work and eat  food off an allotment you might be spending a fortune on Tax Tax Tax.

So what is my own taxed amount - after taxable, food and petrol and clothes I reached about 26%. I do walk to work mostly and our weekly shopping bill is fixed mostly.

Main page where you enter income and expenses

Results page using jChartFX plug in

About this web site - created for Studio40

Free source code is available upon request.


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