Sky Stack - A space escalator
The Sky Stack is a quick and cheap way to send items into space using a stack of drones.
A long string of drones rise above the sky, connected by two cables that power the elegant beads in the sky. Another two cables that transport small items up and down from an orbiting platform.
A long string of drones rise above the sky, connected by two cables that power the elegant beads in the sky. Another two cables that transport small items up and down from an orbiting platform.
Sky Stack - Reaching for the stars |
With six Sky Stacks you've built a lift to take people to the edge of the planet.
With twelve Sky Stacks you can start shipping elements to build a spaceship.
With twenty four Sky Stacks you can fire small satellites into orbit.
With more imagination you can do the unthinkable!
If you would like to discuss the idea further please use the form below...
With twelve Sky Stacks you can start shipping elements to build a spaceship.
With twenty four Sky Stacks you can fire small satellites into orbit.
With more imagination you can do the unthinkable!
If you would like to discuss the idea further please use the form below...
Woah! Sent this as an idea to extent the arcaboards - the future is nearly here!
Have suggested this idea to - It’s time to send African ingenuity to the Moon and provide future generations a reminder that we will always be there!