Draw on everything ...

Time to draw on everything and anything.

The wall between the front room and living room was being knocked down, so time to draw ...
My Little Ponies - a test draw on a wall to be knocked down

Here we have taken a tabletop and created a game on the top, the bottom is flat as well so turn the table over to make it a normal (boring) table for everyday use. Players are my daughters favorite ones! Counters are coins with numbers stuck to them - have to add values up to work out number of moves (includes a bit of maths into the game).

Create a game on top of a table top

Monsters University is a favorite of our daughters. Plus Tinkerbell in Disney movies. So why not draw them when you can?

Monster's University
Monster's University drawn on the child's gate used to lock Buster the dog in the kitchen. 
Chalk pictures on the wall  - say hello to Tinkerbell
Tinkerbell chalked onto the side of the house.

Monster High on on an old scooter.

Spider Web - web made from single sheet of A4 paper

An old clock broken - now a chance to add some numbers!


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