Fancy dress, fancy that!

Some fancy dress ideas that are different and fun.

Death Star

The first was for a "May the Fourth" day at work for dressing up as Star Wars characters. I decided to dress up as a Death Star rather than the usual suspects. You should be able to spot me in the picture below - I did not supply gaps for my arms so working at the computer was very difficult that day :-)
Homemade Star Wars Deathstar Costume Group Photo

To give you an idea of how to go about creating this master piece then check out the following images. It was a few different sized hula-hoops joined together and coated in paper.

Parts required to build homemade Star Wars Deathstar Costume 

Q Jacket

Or how about getting a lab jacket and adding some additional iron on lettering. This was for a James Bond themed night out.

James Bond Q Jacket James Bond Q Jacket
James Bond Q Jacket

Egg Eyes

Add some eyes with eggs. Simple.

Storm Trooper

Ever wanted to be a Storm Trooper?
Feel the need to strut around in an anonymous suit oppressing the masses?

Homemade Star Wars Storm Trooper Costume Homemade Star Wars Storm Trooper Costume Homemade Star Wars Storm Trooper Costume

Well now is your chance to make a cheap, yet effective, Storm Trooper costume mainly out of a box.
Homemade Star Wars Storm Trooper Costume Instructions

Request the project files which include:

  • A Web site (html)

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to build the outfit

  • Possibility to add links to other sites


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