
Showing posts from September, 2015

A Lasting Grand Design

We have only had our allotment since end of last year (Nov/2014) and have learnt that to get the most from the allotment requires a lot of time, energy and effort - sometimes to get minimal returns.  But gardening in the evening watching the sunset, picking the weeds knowing you will see them again, chewing on a broadbean picked freshly and mostly seeing the fruit and vegetables grow is possibly the most rewarding thing that has been given to all of us.   This is a suggestion for a Lasting Grand Design Project for Kevin McCloud of Grand Designs fame, the legacy of a great programme... ... let’s turn prisons into gardens! 46% of adults are reconvicted £36,808  Annual cost of a prison place 1994 Overcrowded in every year since 84,305 Prison population When it can be said by any country in the world, my poor are happy, neither ignorance nor distress is to be found among them, my jails are empty of prisoners , my streets of beggars, th...

Bake some shapes - use plasticine cutters

Wow! After finding out that to make pitta bread is really easy with strong flour, salt, oil, water and a packet of yeast, with my daughter we got the plasticine cutters out to make some shapes. The big ball is a cheese ball, the others you will have to work out for yourself. Cheese ball Giraffe Heart Fish Double Fish A snake Simple dough - using some plasticine cutters Final baked result!

A Wallpaper Book

Turn some excess wallpaper into a little book with a nice cover, just like the old days of adding wallpaper on your school books. With a hole punch and scissors you can complete this in 10 minutes easily. A Wallpaper Book Create your own Dragon Book Scissors and hole punch, plus something to bind it