Add A Moustache - stop looking like a mule my friend

The original concept was simply to let people upload photos to a website and add moustaches to them. It was used by more than 300 people and some of the images where very fine indeed. With a strap line of "Stop looking like an ass and add a moustache" how could we possibly fail to attract fun loving people to our site? The site did allow you to add moustaches to photos, download the result, email it to friends and also produce a great looking printed card. The idea was going to grow into being able to add specific items at specific times for specific things. So think along the lines of add santa hats and beards at Christmas. Wear some bunny ears at easter, or how about add a "Harry Potter" wizard hat and glasses for a fun photo. We'd also like to have seen it being used by charity sites such as Movember . Fantastic images were loading into a public gallery which had an approval process so photos were not published automatically on the web. This would be a great ...